Day 11
Day 11. 9th of May
Well sun was up at Linville park and we checked out the waterfalls both side which was worth the 2 mile walk and the beauty there was breath taking. We doubled back to Grandfather Mountain which a guy came out told me I need to unhook the trailer and leave it there they would watch it plus a pole to lock it to. The little discount we got still cost us $38.00 and to me really was not worth the trip but it was beautiful up there. We proceeded to the end of the parkway all 464 miles of it and words cannot describe it. I will ay the North Caroline side was the best with the tunnels and all.
Stops. Location Mileage. Fuel. Price of Fuel. Total cost
#1 Linnville, NC 95 3.1 gal $3.18 gal. $15.15
Lodging: Cherokee, NC Fairfield Inn. $104.00 (Military Rate). Total miles
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